Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I know my last post was in 2008 and I haven't been blogging for a while.
I probably won't be blogging as often as last year cuz its streaming year and all.
Anywayz, after CNY concert today, me, Yiying, Carin, Qi Jin and Belinda went to Kallang Leisure Park.
The food there was nice but quite ex.
After eating, Qi Jin wanted to go to the Watson's opposite koufu to look at the SILKYGIRL cosmetics.
Yes, Qi Jin, we all know they are nice but don't get too obssesed. :D
Qi Jin and Belinda went off to training while the 3 of us went into the anime shop to have a look.
Yiying and I talked abt anime and Carin didn't understand what we were saying. Lol.
They didn't sell D-Gray Man figurines and that is 1 of the popular anime shows! Sigh...
Went back to Gongshang today!
Got smuggled in by Ms Tang.:)
She said the new principal was a fatter version of Ms Teo.
Made friends with some girls from 6.8(last year's cohort).
When we were at the staffroom door, Yu Lian was so despo.
He said," Cookies! Cookies! Can all the teachers inside come out and give me ang pow?" :D
Joel says he wants to come to DHS in year 3.:)
He asked," Sheryl, out of all your subjects, your Language Arts must be the best right?"
Yeah right. :)
Why does everyone assume I'm good in LA?
So sad that I didn't get to see Mrs Koh cuz I came too late.
I just found out from Mr Salleh that Jarod is in campus superstar!
Yeah, I know i'm a bit lag.
Turns out he sings really well and got into the top 12!
You all must vote for him!:)
Your Friendship Style is Philosophical

You take every friendship you have seriously, and you spend a lot of time analyzing your friends.
You've thought a lot about what it means to be a good friend, and you hold yourself to your standard.
In return, you expect your friends to be loyal, honest, and real. You're somewhat picky about who you're friends with.
Fighting with your friends bothers you more than most people. You can't stop replaying arguments over and over in your head.
You and an Empathetic Friend: Try to understand one another. You approach life very differently, but you're willing to listen to one another.
You and a Gregarious Friend: Are a better match than expected. You understand and appreciate your Gregarious Friend's energy.
You and an Independent Friend: Get along pretty well, but you can't help but think your Independent Friend needs to learn better manners!
You and another Philosophical Friend: Are friends for life. You can get lost in your intense, interesting conversations... and maybe even change the world together!
9:17 PM