Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Spent nearly a hundred bucks on stuff I don't need until Chinese New Year.
Amelia, you are a bad influence.
And why couldn't you have spent 40 cents more?
Then I would have gotten $10 for free. :D
Over the past few weeks, I have made a few friends from RV.
I first met 2 of them in September when I was doing volunteer work with Amelia.
Really fun job.
Especially spinning plates on sticks. :D
Anyway, within 1 hour of meeting them, we got along well and even ate lunch together a few times.
They were funny and we could talk about a variety of topics,e.g. Naruto, music, grades etc. :)
Even so, they were 自恋 too.
All of them.
Which made us get into a mini debate on how a bigger school campus does not necessarily mean students will get better grades.
And yes, the size of our campus is 7 hectares!
Overall, they are great friends to have.
I will only get to see them again when all of us volunteer together, which will probably be next year.
Sadly. :(
Amelia was right.
David's/Peter's/Richard's/Haoyu's/Spongebob's/Squidward's/Patrick's blog is too deep for a normal person to understand.
You read the title and you don't want to read any further.
Just joking. :)
But seriously, it is too abtruse a soliloquy for a mere mortal of my age to fathom.
More like a dissertation, really.
Here is an excerpt:
"The miracle of love is that of its protean nature to assimilate steathily and readily into our lives, and often along with its salient tantalizing effect when you release it. It is not so much about its intangible or tangible effects, but rather due to our steretypical mentality of it, unfortunately a by-product of the media industry, that make it to be so wonderful and miraculous but yet perilous at the same time to us. While a quick scan of some of the popular Korean, Japanese drama serials may reveal many stories revolvering on issues not pertaining to only on love/romance, but also generally related to kinship, hatred, sex and violence, an indisputable fact is that the element of romance and love has become one of the salient characteristics of the media industry."
If you had the patience to read through that entire paragraph, I congratulate you. :)
Tommy's sister got 287 for PSLE!
The smart gene totally runs in their family.
He went to Hwa Chong and she's probably going to some other top school.
This year's PSLE results were surprising.
Most of the top scorers came from neighbourhood schools.
The top scholar came from Qifa Primary, a little unheard of school.
One may argue that Qiu Biqing is more a product of the Chinese education system since she only joined Qifa in P3.
The 2007 Math paper was reported to be very difficult but the highest aggregate was 294!
This year's Math paper was also supposed to be extremely tough too.
Some students even came out of the exam hall crying.
But the top score turned out to be 290.
Who knows?
Maybe next year's Math paper will be 5 times as difficult, but a student will score 299.
I realise that I'm posting almost once every 2 months now.
Will try to post more often but I seriously have nothing interesting to talk about.
Maybe I should just blabber.
Or SOMEONE could come here and make this blog alive again.
Unless she doesn't have time to use the computer, like today.
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.
You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.
This is wonderful!
But a head for Math?
No way.
10:22 PM