Saturday, January 23, 2010
First post of the year.
Damn lag, I know.
Wanted to post on 1st Jan but didn't, cuz the post would be too short.
3 weeks of school have passed and only once has a teacher been on time...
Anywayz, visited Peter in hospital today.
Poor thing, kenna meningitis.
But thankfully, many visits from friends and seniors cheered him right up! :)
Funniest hospital visit ever!
The 2E people damn funny sia, keep prank calling ppl.
2 of them actually believed it!
"Good afternoon Madam. Where would you like your Fillet o'Fish and McChicken burgers delivered? You didn't order? Eh, next time don't prank call McDonald's! Goodbye!"
"Good afternoon Sir. Your IR first-class suite tickets for 5 are ready. You didn't buy any? But our system has the tickets under your name, and the $15k had already been paid for. You can call 6XXXXXXX to confirm. Bye."
Arthur was amazing.
He could fake his accent and not laugh throughout the entire call. :D
Now Peter has a farm of animal soft toys on his bed.
And the Goofy is huge!
All very cute. :)
PT yesterday was killer.
Especially the suicides.
Damn it.
After running back and forth, back and forth, and 1 round around the track, I wasn't feeling so good.
But thank goodness I could still make it for the last round, then did 'We Shall Not Be Moved' cheer and
"To Care for my Juniors!
To Care for my Seniors!
To Do my Very Best!
Felt awesome after that.
We will miss you instructors.
Must remember us, k? ^^
4-way captain's ball was next.
Rachel shouldn't be captain.
She's too freaking tall! :)
Which reminds me, I have presents for 3 people.
Oh, and you know something?
I just realised that my supposed dominant intelligence (refer to Dec 1 post) is 1 of my top 3 in the IDMI quiz.
So qiao.
Past two days have been great.
But now, I must tackle the horrendous obstacle called "Homework".
Oh well, here I go...
P.S. Dunno why, but Kennard has been obsessed with the keluar baris/besurai drill. Hilarious. :D
You Are Happy and Serene

You are an empathetic, understanding person. You listen carefully and without judgment.
You believe everyone has their own path in life. You are very accepting.
You don't get stressed out or worried easily. You are usually in a very relaxed state.
You aren't much of a party animal or a social butterfly. However, you are usually having a good time in your own way.
8:32 PM